Quiche, the French salty pie
September 24, 2018

I’ve been to France many times and I literally fell in love with their salty pie, in French: quiche. This pie can be made in many different variations and can be consumed hot or cold, basically any time of the days. I became a real fan of the French pie, therefor I prepare it quite often in my own kitchen – usually with whole wheat flour. Because the autumn mushroom season is right here, I’d like to share a quiche recipe filled with mushrooms and meat.
Ingredients for the pastry:
210 g whole wheat flour + a little to stretch the pastry
130 g butter (don’t melt it up!) + a little for the pie-form
1 egg
1/2 dl ice-cold tapwater
1 ts of salt
Ingredients for the filling:
200 ml cooking cream
50 ml milk
4 whole eggs
1 ts of olive oil
2 bigger cloves of garlic
200 g of chicken breast cut into thin strips
1/2 smaller leek (green parts also)
6 bigger pieces of brown champignons
100 g of oyster mushroom
50 g of mozzarella cheese
70 g of blue cheese (can be replaced by other cheese)
thyme according to taste
salt, pepper according to taste
In a bowl, scrunch the flour and the salt with the cold chopped butter. Then add 1 egg and cold water. We mix it all into a homogeneous, elastic dough. Pack the finished dough into a foil and rest in the fridge until the filling is prepared.
Hear up the olive oil in a tall pan and lightly fry the garlic in the oil. Then add the chicken breast stripes, salt and pepper. we The chicken is is fried in cca 2 minutes. Then add the leeks, all the cut mushrooms and the thyme. Under cover, stir for 10 minutes, remove from the heat and let it cool a little.
While the filling is stewed, we bake the base of the quiche. Pour flour on a larger board and stretch the dough to about 3-4 mm rounded shape. Place it in a pie form by rolling it over the rolling pin and then rolling it in the shape carefully. Cut off the edges that hang out. We poke the bottom of the dough with a fork and place a piece of baking paper on the pastry and pour some dry beans, lentils, or rice on it to weight the pastry down. Bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven on 200 degrees.
After the pastry is backed, take it out from the oven, remove the weight and put it aside for a few minutes. In the meantime mix the 4 eggs in a separate bowl, add approx. 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper based on your taste, and mixed the whole with 200 ml of cream and 5 ml of milk.
Lay thin mozzarella slices into the bottom of the baked pie pastry. Pour the mushrum-chicken stew on on is and add pieces of the blue cheese. Fill it with the creamy sauce and put it back into the oven for another 25 minutes.
We consume our pie hot, but it can be perfect in a form of warm or cold breakfast too. Bon appétit!